Friday, June 18, 2010

How do I transfer from iTunes Library to my iPod?

I am trying to learn how to use my iPod so I have some really basic questions. I read the Features Manual for the iPod but it doesn%26#39;t explain some of the features as they relate to iTunes.

How do I transfer from my Library to my iPod? In order for the transfer to be completed, do I need to turn off my computer and/or iPod?

How do I get the music to go into the Playlist of my choice?


When you plug your iPod into your computer, it should automatically sync the songs from your Library that are checked to your iPod. If it doesn%26#39;t then you probably have %26#39;manually manage music%26#39; checked, uncheck that and it will sync automatically.

To create a Playlist, go to File and click %26#39;new playlist%26#39;, it will go to the left menu thing. Then you right click on the song you want and select %26#39;add to Playlist%26#39;. Cliclk sync ipod. There%26#39;s an option in the file menu and I believe one comes up when you plug in you ipod. That%26#39;s the easiest way. To create a playlist, click on file, then new playlist. It will create a new playlist and if you click on your music library you can drag songs into your new playlist. Then when you sync your ipod you can pick that playlist. First plug in your ipod to your computer once the ipod appears on itunes click on it. On that menu select music, all the playlists of your itunes will appear. select the playlists you wish to put into your ipod the select sync. all the music will sync onto your ipod check all of the songs from your iTunes library and when you%26#39;re done, go to file and go down until you find "Sync iPod"

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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